——By 王菲5 |: g; J3 \1 c8 m( q
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,
8 G! g% \' Y6 u. u1 L3 E, nwhen deeply practicing prajna-paramita,% k0 J1 M5 n" \3 a
clearly saw that the five skandhas are all empty,
5 p( O) X1 G+ C# p+ aand was saved from all suffering and distress.' K1 P& n7 t D+ a' @1 G
# V- B3 @. n( W/ z5 p% C4 v行深般若波罗蜜多时
4 P! T3 K4 \6 C) f, p4 C8 ]照见五蕴皆空度一切苦厄
+ C8 t, I" M& X7 o1 w m$ XSariputra,
- K" h* d8 V- R8 w( O% ~; Q' kform is no different to emptiness,
$ D/ F. H1 {) l1 S: o. Gemptiness no different to form./ f! h% i" ?# [% \% y$ q8 J
That which is form is emptiness,. [5 z) y3 Z ^/ d: p4 `7 Q2 g7 a4 I3 G2 E. ~
that which is emptiness, form.
4 \6 v$ M( C3 o& u# ~舍利子
0 K$ ]( n: p7 O, D+ e! y色不异空空不异色# X0 r0 z O$ ?( C7 ^
色即是空空即是色# X4 r. ~7 Q N+ j. L
Sensations, perceptions, impressions, and consciousness are also like this.
% l! a9 {% I. @3 t' ^受想行识亦复如是+ w1 x1 U/ ~8 B3 k6 Z4 u! G
% i( x$ n. K; Q" e* aall things and phenomena are marked by emptiness;
- w& y! W( }- P9 q) d& vthey are neither appearing nor disappearing,! V6 x1 K! a$ s0 e' ~
neither impure nor pure,- [+ z2 {" D4 ]" u% A# m6 \
neither increasing nor decreasing.
( S$ D/ p1 x; j% b0 ?0 H- N, q6 i舍利子
- W- w! _7 a. C) k是诸法空相不生不灭
0 ]" l8 C1 z# f" \& f8 H; g- k不垢不净不增不减2 I3 w0 B( Z5 @3 Z* l5 t" I
Therefore, in emptiness,
% q @) m2 N$ {- Q& wno forms, no sensations, perceptions, impressions, or consciousness;
' {7 D% B, N9 Q. Kno eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind;
( o# ?4 K% v I9 Y5 N2 r3 ]是故空中无色无受想行识2 I# V w5 G) J
无眼耳鼻舌身意& b& \ e; g$ G( P% z
no sights, sounds, odors, tastes, objects of touch, objects of mind;) U+ S# D0 e6 b# [6 ?# V$ ?
no realm of sight up to no realm of consciousness;
9 I+ O$ c: B& B: W# N8 o2 |无色声香味触法
' }1 {! T7 _2 d" Z, i$ F% G( e5 ]无眼界乃至无意识界$ i( ]' C, d$ {1 ?7 ^2 A+ _% u4 r
no ignorance and no end of ignorance,# E! O9 R4 s, d, s! ^6 W: W0 i
and no end of aging and death;) H- k7 ~6 ^4 M# R5 @7 g
* m0 ~* @: C; C4 m乃至无老死亦无老死尽
R% s, B- s& w: `7 O: P; ?no suffering, accumulation, cessation, or path;' B' L0 C7 O' D, p+ j
no wisdom and no attainment.
2 f+ J! n) C8 |# x无苦集灭道无智亦无得
3 m( j0 |4 K% x' u2 T: ZWith nothing to attain,
( t6 {- |% q; |7 w9 s/ c% ]* @bodhisattvas3 E2 z) i1 B( k* P) F S4 i
rely on prajna-paramita,+ s# ~1 Q; _1 r3 C4 i
and their minds are without hindrance., f# P4 i4 g5 k$ ^" I
以无所得故7 l7 } s ~( O3 Q
菩提萨陲依般若波罗蜜多故8 {. U1 N4 U4 M3 x/ Y! ]* k- y4 e
They are without hindrance,
% H+ d4 P" ^* S9 y0 P( z. L/ uand thus without fear.9 f4 ~' _) s0 M, L Q$ M3 ?' g7 O
1 U9 _5 Z( b0 x% F' s c! }* ~Far apart from all confused dreams,
) i+ N/ T; T' j9 Athey dwell in nirvana.
9 J4 |; K% U3 \& t! S3 G远离颠倒梦想究竟涅盘- @, F d6 U: x& o# U( M; j
All buddhas of the past, present and future5 y2 o" U5 q6 B+ N0 @
rely on prajna-paramita,
4 N2 D% U' D! c1 b6 h9 N. Qand attain anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
# O2 Y' c' ~7 ]- n三世诸佛依般若波罗蜜多故
* c; |5 B, Q; z2 v& T5 g得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提" }" y* k/ ]( w4 m
Therefore, know that prajna-paramita
7 Q8 B4 b1 z; x5 qis the great transcendent mantra,- z& z, k/ ~; d- H2 d
the great bright mantra," R4 i( @$ g! u, t3 S- [; ]
the supreme mantra,
1 B2 z) u$ b6 K f, p* {the unequalled balanced mantra,% v3 g% q3 N q' u+ ]) p+ `4 j
that can eliminate all suffering,0 H, @4 ?9 B7 U9 l. u3 T, c/ b
and is real, not false.$ {. z$ s% ` |% [4 V4 P' b
0 Y. K3 g# X- {8 M2 O4 J1 _) |4 h是大神咒是大明咒是无上咒
$ V& K1 I- A7 s R* H是无等等咒能除一切苦真实不虚
f; V# t, [0 ^0 P- t ESo proclaim the prajna-paramita mantra,, I2 ~, J' x6 X/ b3 H. n
proclaim the mantra that says:
( F5 t2 W/ {: n% r- ` z* x: h5 U* N8 v故说般若波罗蜜多咒9 _4 A7 ?3 |& I1 i9 L- o, W0 P
即说咒曰$ B8 b& Z6 c* O0 J' p
gate, gate,( S* c9 `6 k( j! k8 @
% [# j( {: {1 ?, E* y& ]( lparasamgate,
' u8 o: X |, L \% n/ O2 l6 bbodhi, svaha!
* `' o' B, N# m2 b2 S: ?/ x揭谛揭谛波罗揭谛/ W' Y4 \* M+ q8 x' D
8 c% _- y8 M$ {$ c" Q5 Z9 dThe Heart Sutra of Prajna.
( c# K/ J* Q; s4 w般若波罗密多心经 |