原文(附有翻譯:By Chris) resolve three:
' F6 i/ Q k7 F) t+ H$ m1:go to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services and stop the Print Spooler. Turn off the printer. Now go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\PRINTERS and delete the files there. I found '00020.SHD' and '00020.SPL'. Now turn your printer back on and restart the service. Check task manager, spoolsv.exe should be at 00% 7 e# T# Q8 Q% i2 m
譯文:打開控制面板,管理工具,服務,然後停掉打印服務。関掉打印機。然後刪除C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\PRINTERS裏的檔案。創建'00020.SHD' 和'00020.SPL'。然後開啓打印機,重啓那个服務。檢驗一下任務管理器,現在spoolsv.exe 應該佔用00%的cpu時鐘。- @7 J: s. Y7 l6 c9 Z2 e7 e: S
2:update your drivers,if it is new,you can stop the Print Spooler,then it should be at 00% 2.升級你的驅動。如果是新的驅動,停掉打印。這是那個進程該是只有00%的cpu時鐘佔用了。 3:The spoolsv.exe file is located in the c:\windows\System32 folder. In other cases, spoolsv.exe is a virus, spyware, trojan or worm! Check this with Security Task Manager. ! H3 |' T5 g( z4 x$ p9 L
8 G) [+ K9 M4 J6 w) u1 N" ^/ g
3:、spoolsv.exe 在c:\windows\System32 裏. 另外 spoolsv.exe 也可能是病毒, 間諜軟體, 木馬或者是蠕蟲! 請查殺. |